Hello fellow bloggers,
I'm curious, what do y'all think of the microwaves
here? Personally I cannot stand them, and that is why they are the subject of
this weeks what "Grinds Ian's Gears".
I love
popcorn. It is easily one of my favorite snack foods. I always have at least
two boxes in my room for whenever the urge to sit, watch a movie, and have a
little popcorn arises. The problem is, my microwave SUCKS!
It burns every single bag I put in and most of the
time it burns them so bad I have to not only throw the bag away but also turn
my fan on to blow the smoke out the window. I don’t understand why they do
this. My friends say its because it isn’t even distributing the heat… Well of
course its not!!! Why else would only one part be burn on the bag? Anyways it’s
a very upsetting thing when the timer goes off and you open the microwave and
are greeted by a wave of smoke and a ruined bag of popcorn. Don’t fret though,
after a full semester of experimentation I know how to fix this atrocious
problem. Take the bag out sooner.
This method usually always works in producing a bag
of fresh popcorn that is not burned and not smoking. Unfortunately, it also
produces a bag that has just as many if not more kernels than actual popcorn. I
have tried putting the popcorn bag in again after having eaten the popped
popcorn but this just yields yet another smoking and burned bag. It seems that
either a bag of burned popcorn or a bag that is barely full will forever plague
me. Most of the time I try and look at it from the bright side; I have a bag of
popcorn and kernels! Two for the price of one! This works pretty well, mainly
because I like the crunchy kernels at the bottom of the bag, but this is a
fleeting feeling. After about the tenth one, my teeth are tired from having to
break apart the hard seeds. And most are so coated in congealed butter that I would
rather not try.
Oh well, I guess I’m bound to always fight this
horrible machine… that is until I move out next semester! It was a good fight
microwave from hell, but in the end you lose.