Friday, January 13, 2012

Hello everyone who reads this. My name is Ian Margot and this is my first post on this blog and my first blog ever. This blog is an on going assignment for my English class and it will be about things "Grind My Gears" to quote the infamous Peter Griffin. One thing that really "Grinds My Gears" is having to wake up for a class at 8 am. Having a class at anytime in the day is bad enough, but having one that is so absurdly early that, when you walk to your class there are only a handful of people on the road in a school of 40 thousand, is just too much. Now when I was in high school I woke up for class everyday at 6 in the morning and was at school by 7. I never had any trouble with it. Unfortunately that isn’t how it works now that I’m in college. When my phone goes off at 7:25 the first thing I want to do is throw it against the wall. Lucky for my phone I just hit the sleep button. Now I don’t mean to be a whiny, little 4 year old that just complains about everything in my life. Waking up really early just plain sucks. You are tired and want to just sleep some more; you are freezing cold as soon as you take the covers off; and you have to be really quiet so you don’t wake up your roommate. It’s a rough life for us students who have been duped into scheduling 8 ams, I know. Given there are some positives to 8 am classes. For one thing, you finish class before most everyone else even wakes up. Another thing is that it gives you a good excuse to get up and get the day going. No lying around in bed all day and wasting it away. Anyway I can’t complain to much…seeing as how I rescheduled so that I no longer have 8 ams, but hey… who wouldn’t.


  1. Let me tell you...that still hasn't gone away for me. I had such a hard time getting up this morning. I would HATE having to teach at 8am. O_O

    Did you have to take an 8am classes? In my undergrad I tried it once then never signed up for classes that early again.

  2. Haha I love family guy. Anyways I had 8 am classes everyday Monday through Friday last semester. It was a HORRIBLE experience. Especially on cold days everyone waits for the bus then there isn't enough room so I end up walking in the cold and being late to class.
